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Keys for Manifesting Wealth and Financial Freedom

July 4, 2024 | Best Life Solutions | Knowledge

Manifest Wealth and Financial Freedom

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As we celebrate our independence here in the states (July 4th) I can't help but feel like most of us are still in bondage, handcuffed to our debts and financial obligations. I remember how hopeless I used to feel when it came to ever getting financially set - and really it took a two-fold approach of using the Law of Attraction and practicing sound financial principles. The universe can only bless us with as much financial abundance as we are prepared to handle. Please assess yourself on where you are at with each of these principles and make changes in your life to better align with each of them to take your manifesting to the next level.

1. Align Your Mindset with Abundance

Understand that like attracts like. Your thoughts and emotions create energetic vibrations that resonate with the universe. If you constantly worry about scarcity, you’ll attract more scarcity. Shift your focus to abundance.


Repeat empowering affirmations daily. For example:

  • “I am a money magnet.”
  • “Wealth flows effortlessly to me.”
  • “I deserve financial abundance.”

Try them out and then make your own. You will feel which affirmations resonate best with you as you put them into practice.


Imagine your ideal financial situation. Feel the emotions associated with it. Visualize yourself paying off debts, investing, and living comfortably.

2. Practical Money Management Strategies

Think of it as a vision board for your finances. Write down your financial goals, dreams, and desires. Be specific. Describe how you’ll feel when you achieve them.

Track Your Money

Awareness is key. Use apps or spreadsheets to monitor your income and expenses. Identify patterns and areas for improvement.

Set Up Multiple Income Streams

Diversify your income sources. Consider side hustles, passive income, or investments. Each stream adds to your financial flow.

Pay Off Debts with Gratitude

Instead of resenting debt, express gratitude for the lessons it teaches. As you pay off debts, visualize the weight lifting off your shoulders.

Automate Savings

Treat savings as a sacred ritual. Set up automatic transfers to your savings account. Name it your “Abundance Vault.”

3. Rituals for Manifesting Money

  • Morning Affirmations: Start your day with positive affirmations. Stand in front of a mirror and declare your financial intentions.
  • Gratitude Practice: Each night, list three things you’re grateful for related to money. Gratitude amplifies abundance.
  • Money Visualization Meditation: Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and visualize money flowing toward you. Feel the excitement and gratitude

4. Surround Yourself with Abundance

  • Declutter Your Space: Clear physical clutter to make room for abundance. Donate what you no longer need.
  • Associate with Abundance: Connect with people who have a positive relationship with money. Attend networking events or join online communities.
  • Use Abundance Symbols: Place symbols like a golden coin or a dollar bill in your wallet. These reminders reinforce abundance.

In Summary - Be the Alchemist

Remember, you are the alchemist of your life. By combining practical strategies with a money manifestation mindset, you can transform scarcity into abundance. Trust the process, stay open, and watch as the universe conspires to bring wealth your way. May your journey be filled with prosperity and joy! 🌟💰

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Everyone has times in their lives when they need help - they need solutions from an outside-looking-in-prespective. Our team has been there and that's why we've banded together to create something unique and useful, to hopefully make an impact in the world. But even if all we do is help one person improve their life, then we will consider our efforts a success. We focus on health, wealth and relationships, but you can alway reach out to our team and we would love to hear where you need some support and we will do our best see what tools and support are available for your situation.


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