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Ho’oponopono Mantra - The 4 Phrases Everyone Should Know

July 24, 2024 | Best Life Solutions | Knowledge

Ho’oponopono Mantra for Healing and Forgiveness

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Are there certain words you say to yourself to help you feel calm, focused, positive, or just give you the extra boost you need to finish that last rep in your workout? Think of these key words and phrases as a mantra - words and phrases that can have a powerful influence to help you tap into your deeper self and magnificence within you. The Ho’oponopono Mantra is a powerful Hawaiian practice that combines forgiveness, reconciliation, and self-healing. When you break-down the name itself reflects its essence: “Ho’o” means to make, “pono” means right, and “pono pono” means doubly right. In essence, it’s about making things right with ourselves and others and consists of four simple phrases we will learn about in a second.

What is Ho’oponopono all about?

Ho’oponopono can be broken down into these 3 key areas:
. is an ancient Hawaiian practice that combines forgiveness, reconciliation, and self-healing. The name itself reflects its essence: “Ho’o” means to make, “pono” means right, and “pono pono” means doubly right. In essence, it’s about making things right with ourselves and others.

  1. Taking Responsibility: Ho’oponopono invites us to take full responsibility for our reactions, emotions, and experiences. It acknowledges that our perceptions are colored by memories from the past. Rather than blaming external circumstances, we recognize that our mind shapes our reality.
  2. Freedom from the Past: Ho’oponopono aims to free us from the emotional baggage of memories. It’s not about changing the past but releasing our reactions to it. Memories, whether positive or negative, influence our present experiences. By cleansing these memories, we find freedom.
  3. The Mantra:The powerful Ho’oponopono mantra consists of four lines: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.”These words serve as a transformative tool for healing and reconciliation.

The Four Simple Phrases of Ho’oponopono 

  1. “I’m sorry.”
  2. “Please forgive me.”
  3. “Thank you.”
  4. “I love you.”

Let's look at each of these a little more in depth.

The Ho’oponopono Mantra in Depth

“I’m sorry.”

Acknowledge any role you’ve played in creating disharmony or negative experiences. Apologize to yourself, others, and the universe for any harm caused.

“Please forgive me.”

Seek forgiveness from your higher self, the divine, and anyone affected. Recognize that healing begins with self-forgiveness.

“Thank you.”

Express gratitude for the opportunity to heal and grow. Appreciate the cleansing process that the mantra initiates.

“I love you.”

Cultivate love and compassion for yourself and others. Love is the ultimate healing force.

Benefits of Practicing Ho’oponopono

  • Emotional Healing: By releasing old patterns, we experience emotional freedom.
  • Improved Relationships: Ho’oponopono helps mend relationships by promoting forgiveness.
  • Self-Love: It encourages self-compassion and acceptance.Mindfulness: The mantra brings us into the present moment.

Before You Go, Check Out the Additional Resources

Remember, Ho’oponopono is a gift—one that allows us to connect with our inner divinity and cleanse our thoughts, emotions, and memories. As you embrace the mantra, may it lead you toward greater peace and healing. You can learn even more by checking out these additional resources:

Sources and Videos

Video: Daily Ho'oponopono Prayer

Video: 108 Repetitions

We hope you find these videos are resources as you seek even deeper healing, peace and love through using this ancient ho'oponopono mantra practic.

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